Monthly Archives: June 2015

How Massage Helps Heal Muscles and Relieve Pain

Massage may work as well as drugs like aspirin or Advil in easing pain from intense exercise. Researchers at McMaster University in Canada found that massage affects the activity of certain genes, directly reducing inflammation in muscles — the same result you’d get by taking aspirin or ibuprofen — and boosting their ability to recover […]

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When to Heat or Ice

This is the question I get asked a lot ‘should I put heat or ice on it?’ The graph below will help you with that question. Always if in doubt, apply ice to the affected area. If you play sport, get an instant ice pack. You’ll never know when you’ll need it. ‪#‎fridayfacts‬

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Massage relieves chronic tension headache, study finds

Researchers in Spain have shown that the psychological and physiological state of patients with tension headache improves within 24 hours after receiving a 30-minute massage. #fridayfacts Researchers at the University of Granada — in collaboration with the Clinical Hospital San Cecilio and the University Rey Juan Carlos — have shown that the psychological and physiological […]

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Regular Massage Benefits

If you’ve ever had a massage, you know it is pleasant and relaxing. You may not have realized it can also have physical and emotional benefits if it is done regularly.  There are several types of massage, from deep-tissue therapies to gentle Swedish treatments. They don’t replace medical treatment, but they can benefit your body […]

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